AUGUST 18 | 21:00
New scietific production from ATMOS Project, leaded by LOA: "The southwestern Atlantic Ocean mesoscale eddies: A review of their role in
the air-sea interaction processes"
The article "The southwestern Atlantic Ocean mesoscale eddies: A review of their role in
the air-sea interaction processes" (authors: Mylene Cabrera, Marcelo Santini, Luciana S.Lima, Jonas T. Carvalho, Eliana B.Rosa, Celina Rodrigues e Luciano P. Pezzi) was published on the
international journal "Journal of Marine Science".
The study presents a revision of the role of mesoscale oceanic eddies on the atmosphere-ocean processes and also with circundant waters. This paper focus on studies developed on Southern Atlanctic Ocean.
The article is available at

3D schematic representation of a warm core eddy (WCE, a) and a cold core eddy (CCE, b) observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean on October 15th, 2013. The black arrows represent the counterclock- wise (clockwise) surface currents for a WCE (CCE) in the Southern Hemisphere. The blue dash-dotted lines represent the isopycnals corresponding with the depth illustrated by the black dash-dotted lines. Schematic figure adapted from Robinson (2010). Adapted by permission from Springer Nature. Mesoscale ocean features: Eddies., in: Discovering the Ocean from Space by Ian S. Robinson. (2010). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)