The Laboratory of Ocean and Atmosphere Studies (LOA) has its main lines of research focused on the
study of ocean physics, atmospheric physics, and the interaction between these two media. LOA
integrates several multi-institutional research projects. Conducts and supports data collection
campaigns on oceanographic cruises in the Tropical Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Antarctica
(Southern Ocean). Associated with these in situ observations, many studies on the exchanges of
momentum, heat, and CO2 at the ocean-atmosphere interface are developed. There is great
synergy in the combined use of in situ and satellite data in conducting ocean-atmosphere interaction research and climate studies.
Among the major scientific challenges pursued by the LOA is the concern to understand better the
physical processes at the interface between the ocean and the atmosphere.
These issues are also addressed using coupled numerical regional modeling of the ocean and atmosphere.
LOA is operational and has a set of meteo-oceanographic instruments used in oceanographic research
cruises. In addition, in association with other OBT projects, it has a high-performance
computing system used for coupled regional modeling and numerical processing of large volumes of data.
Here you can find the LOA in the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil - CNPq/Lattes.