• Text: Luciana Shigihara Lima


The National Institute of Science and Technology of the Cryosphere (INCT of Cryosphere) is a broad project that keeps several subprojects coordinated by researchers from different institutions. It integrates nine associated laboratories with a mission to study the planetary ice mass variability. The main goal of the INCT of Cryosphere is to integrate the national scientific community that investigates the role of glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, and permafrost in Antarctica and the Andes. As well as extend PROANTAR's geographical area of action, acquiring experience in scientific missions under extreme conditions.

The Laboratory of Ocean and Atmosphere Studies (LOA) has performed studies on this subject, such as the ATMOS project, accept in 2018. In addition, the LOA also contributes scientifically in the area through studies related to the influence of climate in Antarctica and its effect on atmospheric and oceanic circulation in South America and its surroundings.

In order to study the phenomena and variables related to the air-sea interaction and the effect of the Brazilian and Malvinas currents confluence, and their effects on the climate, the INCT of Cryosphere presents the INTERCONF Research Program (Air- Sea Interaction at Brazil-Malvinas Confluence), coordinated and executed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE).